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Holistic Dentistry in West Orange, NJ

Also Treating Short Hills & Livingston Patients

When you think of “holistic” care, do you immediately conjure up images of ancient exotic herbal concoctions or white-haired, bearded gurus? Although these associations may not be completely off-base in the tradition of holistic medicine, that’s not exactly what we mean when we say we offer our patients in Short Hills, Livingston and West Orange holistic dentistry at Northfield Dental Group. Let’s take a look at modern “holistic dentistry.”

What Is Holistic Dentistry?

Holistic Dentists in West Orange & Short Hills, NJFirstly, the word “holistic” means “whole.” Thus, holistic treatment strives to avoid treating only the problem at hand and is instead intended to address the patient’s health as a whole.

The objective of holistic dentistry is to provide effective dental care with the use of alternative diagnostic approaches, minimally invasive treatments, biocompatible dental materials and recommendations regarding how you can prevent future dental disease or damage.

In addition, our New Jersey holistic dentists collaborate with other holistic health practitioners to provide comprehensive care for you and your family.

Holistic Dentistry at Northfield Dental Group

The holistic dentists at Northfield Dental Group provide dental treatment with your complete health in mind. To this end, we minimize your exposure to harmful radiation by using equipment with low radiation emission, limiting the number of X-rays taken and offering alternative methods for diagnosis. In addition, we use only biocompatible and mercury-free dental materials, providing you with a safe and conservative approach to dental care.

At Northfield Dental Group, we educate you about your treatment options, so you can make informed decisions about which dental treatment options to pursue. We want you to have all the information needed to make the choices that are right for you, so you feel confident in your decisions. As holistic dentists, we are committed to improving your overall quality of life by providing comprehensive dental care that respects and honors the whole body.

Holistic Dentistry FAQs

What is holistic dentistry?

Holistic dentistry is all about connections: The connection between your overall well-being and the health of your teeth and gums. The connections we all share with the world around us, and our responsibility to use safe, biocompatible materials as we work collaboratively to promote the health of our communities. And the vital connection between dentist and patient, which is based on transparency, minimally invasive treatments and principled care.

In pursuit of these goals, the experienced holistic dentists of Northfield Dental Group in West Orange use low-radiation X-rays, safe mercury-free fillings, and harness the body’s tremendous power to heal as a way to preserve optimal dental health.

Will I see a difference during my appointment?

Yes, you will notice a prudent, conservative approach to treatment that also seeks to involve you in your care every step of the way. You will receive cleanings that are fluoride-free. If you have a cavity, your filling will be non-metal and BPA-free. In fact, if you currently have a mercury filling in your mouth, your holistic dentist will replace it for you safely and dispose of it in an environmentally conscious way.

The skilled holistic dentists of Northfield Dental Group in West Orange even offer metal-free bridges and other dental appliances. The emphasis is instead on composite materials that are toxin-free, hypoallergenic and sourced from environmentally aware manufacturers.

What is the connection between oral health and the body’s overall wellness?

The idea of considering the whole person while treating a particular symptom or condition is as old as Greek philosophy. “Let food be thy medicine,” Hippocrates famously advised. Holistic dentists routinely discuss nutrition during dental visits, as what you eat has a profound impact on the condition of your teeth, your gums, the blood supply that nourishes them, the integrity of roots and bones, the types of bacteria thriving in your mouth, and your likelihood of developing chronic conditions.

More than 2,400 years after Hippocrates, traditional medicine has begun to come around to this view. For example, researchers have proven a strong link between gum disease and heart disease, demonstrating the importance of aligning your oral and body health in a comprehensive way.

Visit One of Our Dental “Gurus” Today

We may not have long, flowing white beards, but we do consider ourselves gurus of holistic dentistry. If you are ready to experience the benefits of holistic dentistry, schedule a time to visit one of the dental gurus at Northfield Dental Group today.

To set up an appointment with one of our dentists, please contact Northfield Dental Group by calling today.