Getting Your Kids Excited About Brushing

Getting kids excited about brushing

The key to having children practice healthy habits is having them start at an early age. But as a parent, you may have realized this is sometimes easier said than done. You may, for example, have a hard time motivating your children to brush their teeth. This is common, considering many children see brushing as …Read the full article

You Won’t Believe the Diseases Your Dentist Can Detect

Dental checkups may reveal health problems

Regular visits to the dentist are crucial for keeping your teeth and gums clean and identifying possible oral health problems in the early stages. But did you know that your dentist may be able to detect other systemic health problems — simply by examining your mouth? The dentists at Northfield Dental Group explore several diseases …Read the full article

5 Oral Health Problems to Tell Your Dentist About ASAP

Nearly everyone will have the occasional canker sore or bout of bad breath. In many cases, these symptoms are nothing to fret about. However, there are certain oral aches, pains and symptoms that may indicate something more serious, and require immediate attention from a dental professional. Here, the Northfield Dental Group shares five oral health …Read the full article